For high quality embroidery, you need top quality products. Komar stocks the essential embroidery supplies.
Embroidery Backing
Also known as Embroidery stabilizer, this is one of the most important components to producing a high quality finished product. Embroidery backing is a non-woven product that is applied to the back of a garment before a design is sewn.
Embroidery Bobbins
Coats manufactures the highest quality of bobbins for the most efficient sewing experience. The unique uniform wind reduces waste by eliminating crossovers and trapped ends while having a higher yield per bobbin than operator wound bobbins.
Masking Tape
Masking Tapes are ideal for many applications. The main benefit of utilizing the tape is its weak adhesive that allows easy removal without leaving behind any sticky residue. Our Tapes come in different widths and variable adhesive strengths. Masking tape offering both economy and versatility for a variety of applications including: general purpose packaging, bundling, holding, splicing, masking and labeling.
NG620 Spray Adhesive
an excellent backing adhesive for the temporary bond of backing to your embroidered fabrics.
Product is packaged 12 cans per case and sold in case increments.
Rubber Bands
The finest quality and most economical crepe and compound grade bands that money can buy. A complete inventory of agricultural, commercial and industrial bands in a wide range of sizes and colors.
We carry a full line of sewing scissors and shears, poultry scissors and shears, thread clips, embroidery scissors, pet grooming shears, beauty shears, and scissors and shears for hard to cut materials.
Invented by Avery Dennison in the 1960s, the Avery DennisonTM Swiftach® fastening system revolutionized the apparel and retail industries by producing a quick, safe and cost-effective method to attach price and brand tags to garments.
Sylko Embroidery Thread
A trilobal polyester thread engineered for especially tough embroidery applications ideal for industrial laundering and stone washing.